Thursday, January 19, 2012

Nose to Nose (Trunk)

We were able to go to Kasane this month to take the members their church supplies for the new year - manuals and such.  We left Francistown later than we wanted and didn't get up to Kasane until 3:30 p.m.  We went to see Cornelia at her work and visited with her until it was time for her to leave work.  We went down by the river to check it out and there must have been a sand bar near by because there were four hippos playing in the river and they were standing in the water.  There were two smaller ones and two larger ones.  We must have watched them for half an hour.   They were playing with each other and splashing around.  It was too bad it wasn't just a bit closer.  The sun was going down and Cornelia used our camera and got some wonderful pictures.  She is a great photographer and just published a calendar with some of her pictures.  They are just incredible.

We checked out the place were we are hoping their group will be meeting soon.  There was a lot of work still to be done, but it could be done by next month.  They are so anxious to get in the building.  We went and ate at an Indian restaurant and it was very good.

  Then Cornelia took us on a wonderful adventure.  Because Kasane is right by the Chobe Park and there aren't any fences, animals move at will.  In fact, Cornelia told us that there had been a lion kill just the week before just below her house.  (You do not go out at night for a walk in Kasane)  Across the street behind her house is where we went in her SUV.  It was dark at the time and she wanted to look for hyenas.  We saw some getting a drink by the watering hole.  Cape buffalos were roaming around, but the most fun part was the herds of elephants we saw.  One group had around a dozen.  A very young one was nursing while two big elephants were jousting with each other.  They had their tusks and trunks interlocked and pushing each other around.   Cornelia left the lights on and turned off the SUV and we sat their and watched them for a long time.  Did I mention that they were VERY close!!  They didn't seem to mind us at all.  I kept saying that I couldn't believe how close we were.  We drove on and came upon another herd.  This one had one of the teenagers just off the road.  We waited for him to move and when he finally did, as we drove by, if Dennis' arm had been just a few inches longer, he could have patted the elephants behind.  There were so many birds out and calling to each other.  It was a magical night for Dennis - Elder Woolf and I.  Thanks to Cornelia.

The next day was Sunday and we went to church with the Kasane Group.  We still met in a home and because of the holidays, Botswanas take off two to three weeks for the holidays, there were only nine of us at the meeting.  The President of the group had to work and didn't make it until Priesthood/RS meeting, so counselor took charge and Elder Woolf blessed and passed the Sacrament.  The talks were so good and again, the spirit is so strong there.  We love going to Kasane!! 

                 Elephants on the road to Kasane.  Yes, they are that close to the road!

Cornelia standing by a picture she took - amazing, huh??

The beautiful Chobe Rive at sunset.

Why you come to Kasane - the beautiful sunsets.

The hippos are playing in the water.  I know we weren't close enough to get a good picture.