Monday, July 9, 2012

J-Burg Trips

During the month of June we went to Johannesburg twice and enjoyed both trips immensely. The first trip was a senior couple retreat for the missionaries and the CES and PEF missionaries that labor in the SA Johannesburg Mission.  Since the MTC is in the same building as the mission office, the new MTC President and his wife also joined us.  There were 38 of us at the retreat.  The first day we went to a lion and rhino park.  We didn't get to see many lions, but we did see a mother rhino and her calf.  After eating lunch we went to the temple and since there were so many of us, we had two sessions that we were in.  Going to the temple is always special.  Then we went out to dinner and we sat by a great couple that will be going home soon.  They are the CES missionaries that get to enjoy a big nice building for the youth.  It is on the same complex as the mission office and MTC and a stake house.  We just look at what they have in J-Burg and hope and pray that some day our dear saints in Francistown get to have chapels.  The next day we met as a group and Pres. Omer spoke to us and then we had Q & As.  The afternoon was free so we went with others to an African Market.  It had lots of fun things to look at.  Then that night Sister Omer had fixed a very nice dinner for all of us. 

The very next week we went back down to J-Burg to the temple.  We took three dear young people to go to the temple.  One was a couple that was married in May and were going to be sealed and the other is a missionary that will be going on his mission the first of August.  Other than the weather was FREEZING, everything was just perfect.  That Thursday afternoon when we got there, the temple was waiting for us and we had the three get their endowments and the couple was sealed that night.  The next day we did the work for our missionary's mother and her parents.  It was such a special experience. 

But as the saying goes, 'there is no place like home.'  We are glad to be back in Francistown and among our dear members.

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